COA International

Learning Partner Description

    At COA International, we fully embrace all that modern technology has to offer. And thanks to high-speed internet and our busy team of IT developers, we’ve created a programme that makes the best use of the interconnected world while still maintaining a genuine human touch. Students who tend toward independent learning thrive in our programme, but the miracle of technology also allows for plenty of student interaction with the teacher and with other students. What’s more, they gain entry into an international online community of over 8 million students every year, and can also sit their exams in over 160 countries around the world.

    In this new era when students, their families, and educators alike are searching for options for learning offered at a distance, COA International makes quality education from home possible.

    As an independent online programme, COA International offers students aged 7-19 a safe, friendly, and supportive online ecosystem. Here they will be given not only the skills and knowledge needed to pass qualifications but also entire approaches to learning that will serve them throughout their lives.

    Working closely with top-quality instructors as well as employing tested and vetted independent learning tools as outlined in our study principles ensures that students will learn the critical thinking skills needed to enter top universities and fields of study. At the heart of our ethos is a drive to teach students how to learn independently for both understanding and application, and to fully prepare them for the world of the future in a happy, pleasant environment.

    COA International aims to help children develop into productive, independent adults with meaningful, fulfilling lives. We want to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and abilities they need to achieve their personal goals.

    Unlocking the world of knowledge that is available to today’s kids is our ultimate goal, thus creating a new generation of adults who never stop learning.

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