

Good morning, I am a parent of a teenager who just took his Summer exams in 2022. As expected, it was a really stressful time for all our family. However, I would like to give a big shout out to Tutors and Exams Coventry centre. Not only did they...


Thank you so much for the speed with which this has been processed. We are so relieved as this change in grade has made the difference in being accepted at Nottingham Trent through clearing. Your professionalism in dealing with all matters from the very beginning has been fantastic. We cannot...


Brilliant, thank you. And thanks for everything- the whole process has been very easy. We’re going to try a closer exam centre in January but if that doesn’t work out we will definitely be back. You made our first experience of exams very straightforward and we will always be very...


Hi I recently sat A level Sociology at Doncaster Tutors and Exams and passed with a grade B. The centre was easy to find with onsite parking. The staff were extremely helpful helping me feel relaxed. I had got stuck in traffic before my second exam and arrived in a...


We would like to express our gratitude to the St Neots Tutors and Exams Services in the UK, for their great efficiency and professionalism at the work they do. Moreover, their level of kindness and understanding they have all shown before, during and after the examinations process, is outstanding, especially...


I recently finished taking my exams at your exam centre and I wanted to give my opinion on my experience there.Your staff are some of the kindest people I have met, they take their job so seriously and yet give off such a relaxed and cheerful vibe. They were so...


We have had the pleasure of visiting Tutors & Exams, St Neots for five exam dates. On all five occasions, Julia, Alison and their fabulous team of invigilators have made my child feel welcome and secure. There have been concerns around Covid and anxieties surrounding that and we were reassured...


I just wanted to say a quick thank you to you and the staff at Tutors and Exams - sitting exams at any age is such a nerve wracking and stressful experience but on each occasion you have provided a calm and friendly atmosphere that really made all the difference....


Just a quick email to say thank you for making the exam process as stress free as possible. My daughter had 2 great experiences sitting her English language papers and came out both times with a smile on her face. Many thanks, Louise


My son, Aidan, sat his first IGCSE today. It's his first experience of an exam and our first experience with Tutors & Exams Belfast. I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate the efforts you made to put the participants at ease. When I asked him how it...

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