Documentation you need to show Tutors & Exams
Important Notice
Whilst we endeavour to support all candidates with Access Arrangement requirements, this is subject to receiving exam board approval and is not guaranteed.
Exam bookings requiring Access Arrangements are on a first come, first served basis, especially for the provision of own rooms and word processors. Therefore, please submit any entries and medical evidence well in advance of the entry deadlines.
What Evidence Might I need for Access Arrangements?
The regulations for access arrangements require us to hold a file containing evidence that the candidate would be at a disadvantage without assistance. In order for us to do this you will need a selection of evidence to show that there is definite need for the access arrangements. We have provided a list of board accepted evidence below. You will not need to supply everything on the list, just the items you already have. We can help work on obtaining more evidence if and when required.
All documents supplied must be originals and not copies.
- Previous Form 8 from school or college
- Any supporting reports from your educators
- Samples of writing (completed within the centre)
- Mock exam paper (conducted within the centre)
- An IEP or equivalent stating the need of support
- A current Educational Health and Care Plan
- A letter from a professional showing evidence of a disability
If the learner is under the age of an equivalent Year 9 school child; there may be a possibility that Access Arrangements will not be granted. This is dependent on the Exam Board decision and specific conditions relating to your child. Obtaining reports and testing does NOT guarantee approval will be granted. Applications, evidence and documentation is provided to the Exam Boards and the final decision is theirs.
Upon completion of the evidence gathering, our SEN Specialist will apply to the awarding body for the access arrangements required. The outcome of the application will be communicated to the learners as soon as it is completed.
What access arrangements are available to me?
By far and away, the most commonly requested Access Arrangement is “Extra Time”. This enables candidates with low processing scores the ability to have a “level playing field”. The next most common is the use of a word processor. This may be able to be used in conjunction with other approved arrangements and is a “centre allocated” Access Arrangement.
Typically, this is granted where handwriting is illegible or brings processing speeds up to a “norm”. We can also facilitate the need for Reader/Scribe, Prompt, Supervised Rest Breaks, Own Room and a whole host more. Be aware that any Arrangement will require evidence of need with which we can support you. Contact us in the first instance to find out how you can benefit from our service.