Academic Year 2022/23 Exams – What’s on When

Academic Year 2022/23 Exams – What’s on When

As Summer 22 examinations finally draw to a close many of us at Tutors & Exams are already focusing on delivery of exams next year.  This summer has certainly thrown up many challenges; a return to ‘high volume’ exams after a two year lay-off, opening of three new centres, staff recruitment, readying staff for record candidate numbers, invigilator shortages, train/tube strikes and exam papers failing to arrive in centre to name but a few.

We are confident that those challenges, and the experiences gained in dealing with them, will only make us more robust and resilient for the forthcoming year. We have already embarked on a number of initiatives that will not only improve our entry processes but also improve communication between ourselves and our customers. Entries for next year have already started to trickle in and we are set for another busy year delivering assessment to the ever-growing number of candidates outside of mainstream education.

Talking of communication, we want to draw your attention to a simple guide we have produced showing all examination series available next academic year and the subject/quals that will be available in each. It details, where made available by Awarding Organisations, exam timetables, deadline dates and subject availability. We hope you find it useful in planning your examinations.

Over the last two years an ‘exceptional Autumn’ series has been held for those candidates wishing to improve their TAG/CAG grades, or those who elected to sit an exam rather than go down the CAG/TAG route whilst exams were suspended due to the pandemic. Some recent applications we have received incorrectly assumed that this will be the case this autumn too. However, only GCSE Maths and English Language resits will be available this November to those candidates who sat exams in summer 22 or are aged 16 or over as at 31st August 2022.

For those of you thinking of entering for examinations with us next year we would encourage you to do so at the earliest opportunity. Demand for places this year was acute and whilst we will always do our level best to accommodate every entry we receive, there are a finite number of seats we can offer on any given day. English, Mathematics and Science subject examination days are always busy.

Academic Year 2022/23 Exams – What’s on When

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